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Author Topic: Prague  (Read 4425 times)

Offline drchambliss

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« on: August 16, 2020, 10:12:14 am »
Greetings all,
I am planning on something a little more challenging this year.  I going to attempt a model of the old town square in Prague.  The majority of the buildings there are simple, rows of square connected buildings.

However, the old town hall will be a challenge - hence I have started early. 
My approach is to use the MANY photographs I have, and base a cardboard model on templates of similar buildings.  I have had difficulty with scale and visual translation in the past, so any advice would be much appreciated. 

Unfortunately, I have never been to Prague during Xmas time, but several other European cities, so I know what I want it to look like. 

My main goal is the old town hall.  (No I’m not planning the impossible replication of the beautiful mechanical clock on the side.  But now that I think of it, I might do that by itself another year.).

Be safest,

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