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Author Topic: Royal Icing ... the ultimate gingerbread house glue  (Read 9661 times)

Offline GingerbreadExchange

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Royal Icing ... the ultimate gingerbread house glue
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:02:44 am »
Royal icing is the ultimate gingerbread house glue.  Quick drying and dries hard.

6 tablespoons meringue powder
3/4 cups warm water
2 pound powder sugar
2 teaspoon Vanilla or Almond flavoring (optional)

Note: 6 egg whites may be substituted for 6 tablespoons of meringue powder. Omit the water if using real egg whites.

Because this frosting dries quickly, and very hard, this is the recommended frosting to use for gluing together the walls and roof sections.

1. Keep all utensils completely grease-free.  Combine all ingredients, mixing slowly with stationary mixer until peaks form.  Beat at high speed for 7 to 10 minutes.  This is important for the frosting to be soft enough to use with pastry bag.

2. This frosting is fast drying – keep bowl covered with a damp cloth.  If icing is too thick when using fine tubes, add a few drops of water.  For thicker icing, beat in a little extra confectioners sugar.  Store leftover frosting, tightly covered, in the refrigerator for weeks.  Rebeat before using again (if using real egg-whites, the frosting will not keep its cementing properties after the initial beating). 

This recipe makes about 7 cups of glue frosting.

Disposable Decorating Bags / Quick Change Couplers / Tips

To Prepare Bag:

1. Unscrew coupler ring.  Notice that the threads on the coupler start about ½ inch above the coupler tip.  Push the coupler tip into bag, forcing it down as far as possible.
2. With scissors, trim bag about ¼ inch below bottom edge of coupler.
3. Position decorating tip over coupler tip and bag.  Screw ring in place to secure.  To change tips, unscrew ring, replace tip and screw on ring.
To Fill Bag:
1. Cuff bag top over one hand while using your other hand to scoop in icing with spatula.  Don’t fill bag with more than ½ cup icing.
2. Unfold cuff and twist top of bag closed, forcing icing down into bag and decorating tip.  Release air bubbles before decorating by holding bag over icing bowl and squeezing until air is released.

Tip: If decorating with children, it is helpful to place a rubber-band tightly around the top of the bag (where twisted) to prevent frosting from being squeezed out the wrong end.
Frosting bags, tips, couplers, coloring and decorations may be purchased from most craft or Internet on-line stores.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 01:47:09 pm by GingerbreadExchange »
Loreta Wilson
Exceeding your gingerbread expectations in a sweet way

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Offline NoelyBear

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Re: Royal Icing ... the ultimate gingerbread house glue
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2019, 09:47:12 pm »
I will pre-assemble/construct large houses (approx. 10” x 12”) in advance for a party. I worry about hand strength/fatigue decorating a whole house. In your experience when working with kids (ages 4-8 years), is it easier for them to use piping bags or squeeze bottles with couplers to apply the royal icing & decorations? Any suggestions for tip size(s) are appreciated too. Thanks! 

Offline GingerbreadExchange

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Re: Royal Icing ... the ultimate gingerbread house glue
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2019, 06:54:19 am »
That’s a great question.  Speaking from experience of my two daughters and having gingerbread parties with their friends...... decorating is much more relaxed than assembling a house.  With kids I have found that more time is spent placing the candy versus applying the frosting.  The may dab on the frosting or apply a glob, and then choose and place candy.  They aren’t constantly squeezing the bag as when assembling the house.  And kids don’t normally do much decorative piping.

For the younger kids age 4-5, depending on the skill....I’d probably use a bowl of frosting and a plastic knife. 

For the older kids I’d use a disposable pastry bag and rubber band to close the ends.  The disposable bags are fairly thin, helping to reduce hand fatigue.  Also making the Royal frosting a little thinner/stickier will help. 

I prefer disposable bags that are manufactured flat versus on a roll. I’ve torn bags when trying to separate from the roll.

When it comes to ground cover, if applying a blanket of snow (frosting) FOR ANY AGE I provide a fresh batch of frosting in a bowl with lots of plastic knives. No sense experiencing that hand fatigue trying to get enough frosting for ground cover. :)

I’ve never used squeeze bottles. I’d think that would create more hand fatigue since over time the bottle may be more difficult to squeeze in general since the plastic is stiffer? Plus I wouldn’t want the cleanup of plastic bottles.  :)

Hope this helps.

Loreta Wilson
Exceeding your gingerbread expectations in a sweet way

Offline NoelyBear

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Re: Royal Icing ... the ultimate gingerbread house glue
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2019, 08:45:18 pm »
Great ideas. Thanks.  :)

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