How to make wrought iron fencing for your gingerbread house, using edible Re-bar!Edible Re-Bar! This is the coolest thing. The spaghetti acts as re-bar providing reinforcement. This is a great idea for fences. Color the frosting black/gray for the look of wrought-iron
Royal icing and black gel coloring
Mix well
Fill large Pastry Bag with black/gray Royal Icing (using a large pastry bag is important to allow enough room for your piece of spaghetti to be pushed completely into the bag of icing in order to cover well)
Use a Wilton Tip #5(spaghetti fits thru it and allows for frosting to cover spaghetti)
Lay spaghetti on wax paper, on a cookie sheet
Push spaghetti into pastry bag, thru the tip
Slightly twist the spaghetti to coat then gently squeeze the pastry bag, slowly pulling out the spaghetti
Continue to slowly pull out the spaghetti
Lay on cookie sheet to dry
After several hours remove from cookie sheet
Cut off spaghetti end with scissors
Cut off spaghetti end with scissors
Cut spaghetti/rebar into desired lengths
Place a drop of Royal Icing at end of spaghetti/rebar
Place "fence posts" at each end of fence
Place a drop of Royal Icing at desired spot for "fence stringers"
Place "fence stringers"; Let dry
After each fence section is dry, place onto your gingerbread display where desired, using more Royal Icing to keep in place, and adding a little swirl on the bottom and top ends of the stringers (covering the raw spaghetti ends)
After each fence section is dry, place onto your gingerbread display where desired, using more Royal Icing to keep in place, and adding a little swirl on the bottom and top ends of the stringers (covering the raw spaghetti ends).