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St. Andrews Pattern 2012 by Andrew FormanHook 'em Horns Real Food Gingerbread House with the Kids by Kate Cormeny GeesamanRocky Island Light by Jennie Cline
Hook 'em Horns Real Food Gingerbread House with the Kids by Kate Cormeny Geesaman
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Description:  We've had a real food revolution in our house this year and have reaped the health benefits of it. I wanted to continue our gingerbread house making tradition without all the artificial flavors, processed sugars and dies in most cakes and candies. I used organic whole wheat flour and real molasses in the gingerbread, raw sugar and the candies are made with real fruit and sugars. Most of the gingerbread and candies are stuck together with sugar glue (melted sugar) and to stick the almond slices on we use a sugar/potato starch/milk combination. A heavy snow of coconut topped off our winter scene!  
Views: 179
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Posted by: GingerbreadExchange September 22, 2014, 09:54:04 am

Total Likes: 0

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