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Maryann Dahl - Silverpine House | ||
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sallyfra | December 08, 2017, 10:40:01 am Silverpine Questions: Hello. I adore your Silverpine gingerbread house and have downloaded the pattern and cut out all the pieces. I am, however, having a devil of a time figuring out some of how it fits together. Might you by chance have more details on step by step how to piece it together? Or dare I ask, a video?! I want to make sure I understand before I actually cut it out of the dough. Any help would be grandly appreciated! For Now, Sally |
Description: Fantastic gingerbread display by MaryAnn Dahl with Ultimate Gingerbread's Silverpine gingerbread house pattern. Love Santa sitting in the sleigh, full of candy and gifts, being pulled by reindeer.
Stats: Views: 860 Total Favorities: 0 View Who Favorited Posted by: GingerbreadExchange September 20, 2014, 01:18:27 pm Total Likes: 0 Image Linking Codes