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Author Topic: Construction Grade Gingerbread Dough  (Read 14093 times)

Offline GingerbreadExchange

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Construction Grade Gingerbread Dough
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:20:54 pm »
Construction Grade Gingerbread Dough

This is an adaptation of the recipe by Allen Blair.

1/2 cup Honey
2 cups granulated Sugar
4 Eggs

6 cups all-purpose Flour
2 teaspoon Cinnamon
2 teaspoon ground Cloves
2 tablespoon ground Ginger

Heat honey in microwave for 20-30 seconds, and pour into mixing bowl. Add sugar and mix. 

Add eggs and mix well. Add 1 Tablespoon of warm water and mix well.

Add dry ingredients to your wet mixture and mix for 2 minutes to start the gluten in your flour. 

The dough may appear crumbly and not hold well together. At this point, put dough hook on and knead for 4 minutes.  The dough should now come together and easily form a ball.  If needed, sprinkle a few drops of warm water into the dough and mix.

Chill dough for a couple of hours before cutting into pieces.

Lightly flour surface and roll your gingerbread the desired thickness, depending on if it's wall or roof sections, or accessories for your house.

Bake at 325 for 15 - 20 minutes, depending on the thickness.

Gingerbread Dough Tips:

There is no fat (butter, margarine, etc), so this dough does no stick together very well, but this dough is great for a gingerbread house once it's baked.

Between rolling out pieces, it helps to microwave a chunk of the dough for 10 - 15 seconds to soften the honey.

You can also color your gingerbread dough before baking by using paste color.  A teaspoon of ground cloves will also add a deeper color to your gingerbread dough and can be added without changing the texture of the dough.

Molasses can be substituted, but the dough will not be as stiff.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 09:52:31 am by GingerbreadExchange »
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Offline IvandaVGV

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Re: Construction Grade Gingerbread Dough
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 01:07:23 pm »
Thank you so much for posting this recipe! 

Gingerbread house construction became a tradition for me when "Better Home & Gardens" published an inedible (well, you could, but you wouldn't want to) recipe in the early 70s, I think.  Sadly, the recipe didn't come with me when I left home, and I've been searching for it since.  This year, I finally thought to include "inedible" in my internet search. A helpful blogger included a link to your forum, and a tradition is reborn.

Just one more thing I'm thankful for this season!   ;D

Offline IvandaVGV

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Re: Construction Grade Gingerbread Dough
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 01:15:41 pm »
Oh, and I meant to add that I think you earned serious blog karma points for referencing your source.  Thanks for setting a good example!


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